Arbitrator for Financial Disputes

Arbitrator for Financial Disputes (“ACF”) and adopted the Regulation implementing the art. 2, paragraphs 5-bis and 5-ter of Legislative Decree 8 October 2007, n. 179, with which the criteria for carrying out extrajudicial dispute resolution procedures at the ACF are established and the criteria for the composition of the relevant deciding body are identified.
Consilium SGR p.A. (“SGR”) is a member of the Arbitrator for Financial Disputes.
Below is some information on the functions of the ACF, its area of ​​competence and the functioning of the procedure:

  • the ACF is competent in relation to disputes relating to the violation by the SGR of the obligations of diligence, correctness, information and transparency established towards investors in the exercise of the activities regulated in part II of the Consolidated Law on Finance (TUF), including cross-border disputes and disputes covered by EU Regulation no. 524/2013 regarding the resolution of online consumer disputes, with the exception of disputes involving the request for sums of money for an amount exceeding Euro 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand);
  • the right to appeal to the ACF cannot be waived by the investor and can always be exercised, even in the presence of clauses for the devolution of disputes to other out-of-court resolution bodies contained in the contracts.
  • Consilium SGR p.A. guarantees that any complaints received will also be evaluated in light of the guidelines deducible from the decisions taken by the ACF. Furthermore, in the event of failure or partial acceptance of such complaints, the investor will be provided with adequate information regarding the methods and times for submitting the appeal to the ACF. For any further requirement and for the use of the ACF, please refer to the internet reference below: